Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and theater designer Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born on October 25, 1881, and passed away on April 8, 1973. He lived much of his adult life in France. Among the most important painters of the 20th century, he is renowned for having contributed to the development and exploration of a vast range of styles, co-founding the Cubist movement, and creating built sculpture and collage. The proto-Cubist painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1807) and the anti-war painting Guernica (1937), which depicts the destruction of Guernica by German and Italian air forces during the Spanish Civil War, are two of his most well-known pieces. He was an international celebrity, with often as much interest in his personal life as his art...
My fashion designer friend Luca Turelli and his companions decided to come in Picasso inspired costumes this year. This is another very Italian, non-mask and painted faces kinda costume series at the Venice Carnevale. Luca and me have been communicating on Facebook for the past few years, but our schedules never match on all my previous Venice Carnevale dates. So you can imagine how thrilled I am when I finally get a chance to photograph Luca and friends.

Picasso painted mostly from imagination or memory. According to William Rubin, Picasso "could only make great art from subjects that truly involved him ... Picasso had eschewed models virtually all his mature life, preferring to paint individuals whose lives had both impinged on, and had real significance for, his own."

Luca as Picasso's version of Pierrot...
From his beginnings in stock comedies and pantomimes in the nineteenth century, Pierrot—the melancholic clown with the loose blouse and white face—emerged to become the embodiment of a particular strain of artistic sentiment: sensitive, melancholic, and fundamentally alone, playful and daring through the subversion of language while hinting at the delicate and facile nature of gender. Pierrot expresses himself slowly and subtly in the liminal space beyond words.
Pierrot was usually portrayed as downhearted over his unrequited love for Columbine, but she in turn loved someone else, Harlequin. Both Pierrot and Harlequin competed for the love of Columbine, but her heart belonged to only one of them.
Pierrot's persona evolved from buffoonery to becoming an emblem of the disenfranchised. He was sympathetic to the causes of several cultural movements: Modernists transformed him into a silent, estranged observer of the secrets of human existence; Decadents transformed him into a disillusioned enemy of idealism; and Symbolists regarded him as a lone sufferer.

A Pierrette is, in the theatre, a female Pierrot.

Pierrot e Arlecchino is a famous painting by Picasso done in 1920. The style is Art Nouveau (Modern) / Cubism and the original painting is located in the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York City.
Dora Maar au Chat (English: Dora Maar with Cat) is an oil-on-canvas painting. It was painted in 1941 and depicts Dora Maar (original name Henriette Theodora Markovitch), the artist's lover, seated on a chair with a small cat perched on her shoulders. The painting is listed as one of the most expensive paintings, after achieving a price of $95 million at Sotheby's on 3 May 2006. It is currently the sixth-highest-selling painting by Picasso.

Donna seducta con peace, 1942
Picasso stayed in Paris during the German occupation of the city during World War II. Picasso did not exhibit during this period since his style did not conform to the Nazi ideal of art. The Gestapo used to torment him a lot. One time, an officer searched his apartment and discovered a picture of the masterpiece Guernica. "Did you do that?" Picasso asked the German. He said, "No, you did."
Picasso, who was sixty-three years old, started dating Françoise Gilot, a young art student, in 1944 following the liberation of Paris. She was his junior by forty years. Picasso and Gilot moved in together when Picasso became weary of his mistress Dora Maar. In the end, they gave birth to two children: Paloma in 1949 and Claude in 1947. Gilot writes of his mistreatment and numerous infidelity in her 1964 book Life with Picasso, which ultimately caused her to leave him and take the kids with her. Picasso suffered a serious blow from this.

Maya con la bambola is another famous painting by Picasso done in 1958...
Adoring father Picasso plays with his latest creative manipulation of color and space while daughter Maya plays with her doll. The figurative distortion process proceeds with its plastic phase, with the features of the face being pushed and reshaped as if made of modeling clay. Picasso's sense of humor and fun is evident once again: the child's face is surreal, while the doll's is real, creating a striking contrast. The size of both heads is ridiculously larger than the rest of the body. The child and the doll are interchangeable because Maia's and Maya's outfits match the doll's sailor's suit.

All photos are done on the busy streets of Venice during the Carnevale. As usual, everything is done using natural lighting onlu...