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Robin Yong Photography

The Art of Travel Medicine
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The Kingdom of
This is probably the country that I have visited very much- 12 times over during the 2014 - 2017 period because it is so close to home and everything is still so affordable compared to other destinations. Ancient temples with saffron-robed monks, Apsara dancers in all their exotic costumes and delicate dance moves and of course my Khmer boxer friends - this must be another place that I know inside out...For those that enjoy photographing people, you could spend a lifetime doing nothing else and be happy here.
The Kingdom of Cambodia is the official English name of the country. Colloquially, Cambodians refer to their country as Srok Khmer (ស្រុកខ្មែរ Srŏk Khmêr, meaning "Land of the Khmers").
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Robin Yong Photography
13 / 45 West Row, Canberra
Australian Capital Territory, ACT 2601
Tel: +61 0447746807
All images Ⓒ 2014-2025 Robin Yong
Travel/ Photography Services:
Photo Tours and Workshops
Travel Advice/ Planning
Private shoots for Models and Celebrities
Fine Art Prints
Image Licensing
Travel Photo Assignements
Brand/ product endorsements
Webpage design and production