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  • Writer's pictureRobin Yong

Bow of the Omo River 時間的河

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

最初的結局 我們都可以預料

但是那故事 後來怎麼樣

沒有什麼發生 也沒有發生什麼

我們的故事在從前 早已畫上句點

時間的河啊 慢慢地流

時間的河啊 慢慢地流

自你走後 我便數著時間

時間又回來 回來數我

沒有什麼發生 也沒有發生什麼

我們的故事在從前 早已畫上句點

時間的河啊 慢慢地流

時間的河啊 慢慢地流

If there is a river where Time stood still...this must be the one...inspired by the classical Taiwanese hit 時間的河 by Tsai Chin...

Another spin-off from my Flowers of Ethiopia series...

This one is called Bow of the Omo River and is taken at one of the most scenic spots of the Omo Valley. The Omo River (also called Omo-Bottego) in southern Ethiopia is the largest Ethiopian river outside the Nile Basin. Its course is entirely contained within the boundaries of Ethiopia, and it empties intoLake Turkana on the border with Kenya. The river is the principal stream of an endorheic drainage basin, the Turkana Basin.

The lower valley of the Omo is currently believed by some to have been a crossroads for thousands of years as various cultures and ethnic groups migrated around the region. To this day, the people of the Lower Valley of the Omo, including the Mursi, Suri, Nyangatom, Dizi and Me'en, are studied for their diversity.

Italian explorer Vittorio Bottego first reached the Omo river on 29 June 1896 during his second African expedition (1895–97), dying during this expedition on 17 March 1897. The Omo river was renamed Omo-Bottego in his honour. Herbert Henry Austin and his men reached the Omo delta on 12 September 1898, and found that an Ethiopian expedition, led by Ras Wolda Giyorgis, had previously planted Ethiopian flags on the northern shore of Lake Turkana on 7 April, as well as having plundered the locals and reduced them to poverty. Lieutenant Alexander Bulatovich led a second Ethiopian expedition which reached the lake August 21, 1899, and was equally destructive. Despite this, the Frenchmen in the party accurately mapped for the first time many of the meanders of the Omo River delta. This rendition of the Omo River remained in use until the 1930s when Italian colonial cartographers made a new and more accurate rendition of the river and its delta.

The entire Omo river basin is also important geologically and archaeologically. Several hominid fossils and archaeological localities, dating to the Pliocene and Pleistocene, have been excavated by French and American teams. Fossils belonging to the genera Australopithecus and Homo have been found at several archaeological sites, as well as tools made from quartzite, the oldest of which date back to about 2.4 million years ago. Because of this, the site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980.

The Karo people and their village has the best view of the river. They have lived here for the past few centuries at least and their lifestyles have remained largely unchanged in the past few hundred years. They are also best known for some of the best body and face painting. Here, a Karo boy poses for a photo. The tribespeople usually have beads or feathers as hair decorations and this is a rare occasion I see flowers being used for this tribe.

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