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  • Writer's pictureRobin Yong

11x Awards at the European Photo Awards 2022

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

So happy to receive 7 Platinum Awards and 2 Golds in the recent European Photography Awards 2022. 2 of these photos subsequently went on to win Category Winner of the Year.

Again, I haven't been too active with regards to photography during these very uncertain times with the pandemic still very unsettled. So what I have submitted to photo contests are still my old classic works. Glad they still stood the test of time. I like these big international photo awards very much, they make my work more memorable for me and my model friends. They enhance the value of my work for buyers and collectors.

The European Photography Awards features only works of the highest standards and am so happy to be amongst some of the top names in the industry.

Winning entries of the awards can be found at

Every week I receive enquiries about when I will start photo tours again, the answer still being I have not yet decided although I am open to suggestions. I will however be planning new works in the next few months with a focus on Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and Japan...stay tuned and stay healthy...

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