Prezioso Segreto.
Avvolgi il tuo viso di rara bellezza e velalo. Segretamente nascondilo a chi non può comprendere il tuo sorriso.
La tua magia, il tuo potere di essere Madre-Perla.
E Rivelalo sussurrando al mare, il mistero dell' amore Perlato.
"Precious Secret"
Wrap your face in rare beauty and veil it. Secretly hide it from those who cannot understand your smile.
Your magic, your power to be Mother-of-Pearl.
And Reveal it whispering to the sea, the mystery of Pearly love.
Pearls are one of nature’s greatest miracles that are discovered by humankind. They possess simple elegance and beauty. The first record of pearls being presented to Chinese royalty as gifts were in 2300 BC. As time passes by around 1000 BC, natural pearls are fished by the people in the Arabian Gulf, along the coastline of Qatar and Bahrain. In ancient Rome, pearl was regarded as the ultimate status symbol of the time. During 1 BC, because they were very precious, Julius Caesar ruled out that only the ruling class, men and women of high birth, would be the ones who were able to wear them.
Pearls are the ultimate symbol for wisdom. Valued for their calming effects, pearls represent serenity, while being able to strengthen valuable relationships and convey a sense of safety. Pearls also symbolize purity, as well as integrity and loyalty.
Mary Cosmica is one of the most respected veterans at the Venice Carnevale. Her costumes are always so special and very different from the rest. It is always a real treat to photograph her.
This costume is a little bit of Haute couture with the likes of Alexander McQueen and Chanel, coupled with the eccentric vibes of Lady Gaga. Haute couture is the creation of exclusive custom-fitted high-end fashion design that is constructed by hand from start-to-finish. Beginning in the mid-nineteenth century, Paris became the centre of a growing industry that focused on making outfits from high-quality, expensive, often unusual fabric and sewn with extreme attention to detail and finished by the most experienced and capable of sewers—often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques. The term haute couture originally referred to Englishman Charles Frederick Worth's work, produced in Paris in the mid-19th century. In France, the term haute couture is protected by law and is defined by the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris based in Paris. The Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture is defined as "the regulating commission that determines which fashion houses are eligible to be true haute couture houses".

Sometimes, when I get a very unique costume, I feel the best presentation is to set it against a black or single coloured background to bring out the best in the costume. I usually just stand them at the entrance of a tunnel to achieve the effect. All photos are taken using natural lighting only. No flash, reflectors or artificial lighting used in the creation of this series.
