La Magia dei Mondi - The Magic of the World...
This is as usual a very different and very big set of costumes by my Italian friends Nicola and Ilaria. The whole ensemble is a scene in itself, coming with an antique work desk and type writer, a lamp and a very big book.
"The Magic of Worlds - represents the wonderful journey we take and the worlds we discover each time we read a book, the universe each author magically creates for their readers..."
Inspiration for their costumes come from Alessio Rosin's "LENA-Magic of the Worlds".

The costumes are truly spectacular...very different from most costumes at the Venice Carnevale...when placed with the medieval backdrop of the ancient city and its cobblestoned streets, they transport us to another fairy tale world...

Every year, I meet up with Nicola and Ilaria to do a short photo session.
They never cease to amaze me with their wonderful creations.
Their creations form a true imaginarium.
I got my photo inspirations from the Marvel Comics book Marvel 1602.
Marvel 1602, or simply 1602, is an eight-issue comic book limited series published in 2003 by Marvel Comics. The limited series was written by Neil Gaiman, penciled by Andy Kubert, and digitally painted by Richard Isanove; Scott McKowen illustrated the distinctive scratchboard covers. The eight-part series takes place in a timeline where Marvel superheroes exist in the Elizabethan era; faced with the destruction of their world by a mysterious force, the heroes must fight to save their universe. Many of the early Marvel superheroes — Nick Fury, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man — as well as villains such as Doctor Doom and Magneto appear in various roles.
On a trip to Venice soon after, Gaiman was struck by how the "past seemed very close at hand"; he returned from the trip knowing the story he wanted to tell. The time was chosen because "it was a nice place to set the story. It gave me America and it gave me a lot of things that I wanted in terms of the way the world was changing. It also gave me the sense of wonder and magic."

The Venice Carnevale is not entirely about masks. This is another prime example of non-masked costumes making a huge statement at the Venice Carnevale.